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I'm a filmmaker and content creator, working with moving image, photography and sound. I'm based in Glasgow and active far and wide. I offer creative media making for social, environmental and cultural projects.




I've colaborated on hundreds of creative projects with galleries, museums, charities, NGOs, non-profits, workers co-ops and social enterprises, among other cultural, public and third sector organisations. 

My work has gained awards and nominations, and I'm keen to use my skills with creative endeavors for folk who are doing good things in the world. I have a BA in New Media Fine Art from Norwich University of the Arts, and an MA in Film Directing from Edinburgh College of Art. 




'What a privilege to be filmed by the wonderful Matt Robinson. Matt was a real pleasure to work with - very chilled out and happy to float around taking gorgeous, poetic shots while we chatted away and I did my weaving thang'  

Max Johnson, Seileach Basketry


'I think the film is fantastic  - beautifully put together. It was a pleasure to work with Matt. He made what (for us) is a daunting process very relaxed and natural. Thanks so much for all your work on this!'


Julie Gardham, Senior Assistant Librarian, University of Glasgow 


'The film Matt made for us is fantastic and well beyond what I had in my head when the project started. ! I think it looks great and Matt did a brilliant job!'

Ellen Fenton, Head of Audience Engagement, The Hunterian Galley, Glasgow

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