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I offer training in film making, animation, photography and sound design. Sessions I've taught have included storyboard making, camera usage and stop-motion animation, among other creative processes. 

Animation exercises made with a group or pre-university students, visiting the University of East Anglia


As an artist educator I've led creative workshops for group sessions and individuals. I've taught in various schools and educational settings, including the University of East Anglia; the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich; and facilitated sessions at Norwich University of the Arts and the Moving Image and Sound Archive, Glasgow. I've also taught participatory film making and animation during residencies, such as an Erasmus+ ecological skills exchange festival, Austria.

I've attended training in neurodivergence awareness, equality and diversity, and first aid, among others areas: equiping me with useful skills to deliver my educational work appropriately and effectively. 



I’ve been working with the fantastic charity Art in Healthcare, with artist Jeni Allison, making video workshops of creative ​sessions for people who are housebound with long term health conditions.


Example of an animation workshop I ran in Austria; with participants using their bodies to animate with, creating shapes and spelling out words relating to their experiences. 


'Matt has a very good way with the people; he's very approachable with a gentle and friendly manner. We run regular workshops for families and Matt has a particularly good approach with younger children - he strikes the balance between being helpful but also knowing when to step back and give participants the space to be creative.' 

Hannah Justad, National Library of Scotland,

Moving Image and Sound Collection 

'Matthew quickly understood the complex brief of creating a mix of ‘how-to’ drawing videos alongside long shots of landscapes and townscapes for participants to draw from. His work has met the brief brilliantly, with lots of positive feedback from participants.  He is a great creative collaborator, whose work is sensitive to the overall aims of art in healthcare - using creativity to make people feel better.' 

Jeni Allison, artist with Art in Healthcare

pinhole photograph of a window in negative
pinhole photo of a window

Some results from a recent pinhole photography workshop, self developed

and contact printed to a positive image

green paper shapes on a white background
a colourful abstract rain-forest scene

Collages and shadow play made to the theme of 'rainforests', by a school group

at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts

shadows of people behind a screen
shadows of people behind a screen
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